When Treating Alpha gal the most common technique that comes up in a Google search is the SAAT ear staple technique. This is basically Ear acupuncture protocol for an allergic response. At Pure we do the Ear Acupuncture but typically this is not the only nor MOST effective way to treat Alpha gal.
Depending on each individual the treatment will vary. In our experience multiple modalities are the most effective way for relief. These modalities include: Ear Acupuncture, Body Acupuncture, and Herbal supplements. The treatment protocol will change according to each individuals symptoms and lifestyle.
New Patient Consult and treatment $150
Consultation (with no treatment) $45
Established Patient Treatment $110
Fire Cupping $65
Consultation and Auricular Acupuncture $60
Herbal Consultation $60
Pediatric Acupuncture $110
Moxa Therapy only $25